Hose Assembly

To overcome the task of connecting
between products using different
gas standard connectors,
Silbermann offers you the flexibility
of configuring a hose assembly
that fits your needs.

With the reputation of our products
and patient safety in mind we offer
a wide range of various probes,
outlets, and connectors
from various standards.


To determine the kind of hose you need:

  • Specify the gas type and length
    of the hose.
  • Specify the color standard
    (ISO/ US).
  • Specify the front and rear
    connectors to the hose.
  • State whether the fittings
    are connected 
    or 90
     degrees angled.


  • Medical flexible tube 1/4" ID.
  • Probe connectors - with straight or 90-degree angled connectors.
  • Probes and Outlets Type - according to customer request.
  • Hose burst pressure: 69 bar.

Probe & Connectors Types:

  • ENV 737-6, DIN 13260-2, BS 5682,
    SIL-Ohio, DISS/NIST, Puritan Bennett,
    Chematron, AGA, Afnor.

Hose standards:

  • ISO - 5359

Silbermann’s Quality Management System:

  • EN ISO 13485-2016
  • ISO 9001-2015